Thursday, August 6, 2020

Spanish verison of "All Things New" now available!

Great news for you Spanish readers and speakers out there! The first Spanish-language version of All Things New (Todo Nuevo) is now available on Amazon. As usual, there is both the digital version (for use on Kindles, or on the Kindle app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices), and the paperback version if you prefer a more traditional format!
A huge thanks to my tireless Spanish translator, Carlos, who originally reached out to me with interest in doing the translating, and then spent the next few months pouring himself completely into this project. I'm sure many friends will be both entertained and encouraged by the fruits of his hard work!

In other news, my wife and I have completed the move back to the United States. It's a little weird to be back here after more than a decade living abroad in Asia, and stranger still to be here during a pandemic (I'm currently writing from my new office: a repurposed garage space next to a refrigerator and a washing machine––but I'm not complaining!). We are happy to be with family and finally through the ordeal of our international travels, which were much more stressful than we'd anticipated.

The upside is that since we're finally somewhat settled and I've got more time on my hands, I'll be able to hopefully get this next book finished soon. And if I can find a quiet space to burrow away for a few days, I'll be able to finish recording my audio book as well!

Hope you all are doing ok out there!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it back okay. And look forward to the progress you're making on your new book h. We ave been long awaiting some new leisure reading material.

    Hopefully now we might have updates a little more frequently. 💜
