Hi all! As promised, here's the second winning entry for the "Bloom of Youth" writing contest. Enjoy!
I was serving in London Bethel as a driver for a couple of years. One day I was driving the Bethel van sitting at traffic lights when the Bethel phone rang and I foolishly answered it. Just at the same time that another brother was driving the other way towards me. He reported me talking on the phone which is illegal (even though I wasn’t actually driving the engine was on).The result was I was asked to leave Bethel and removed from all privileges in the congregation. This experience taught me many lessons and I feel did me a lot of good.I am now serving as an elder in Mill Hill congregation near the old Bethel. If anybody makes a silly mistake and loses privileges I now feel I can encourage them to have the correct attitude and learn from it, then become stronger.
Submitted by D.P., United Kingdom
Great experience brother